Baffles and Floating Curtains

Enhance Water Treatment Efficiencies

Improve flow characteristics and increase the effectiveness of your water treatment processes with a fixed or floating geosynthetic baffle system. By enhancing your existing water treatment system with baffles and floating curtains, you can eliminate the need for costly upgrades or renovations to meet regulation standards.

In potable water applications, prefabricated baffles increase chlorine contact time by creating a longer flow path within the clearwell, improving water treatment performance by maximizing chlorine contact time. In effluent treatment, a floating curtain eliminates short-cutting, ensuring the water has had the required residence time for the best treatment effectiveness.


Common Benefits of Baffles and Floating Curtains

Maximize Pond Capacity

Increasing the existing facility's treatment performance can help eliminate the need for a larger pond or clearwell.

Prevent Short-Circuiting

Baffle curtains create a serpentine path for water to increase contact time for better treatment performance.

Reduce Treatment Costs

By eliminating short-cutting, you reduce the need to add additional treatment chemicals to account for dead zones.

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